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Anton Minardi Hatfan Mohammad Auzan


International Relations is a branch of political science is a study of the problems of foreign and global issues at among States in the International system, including the roles of the State, organizations exist between government and non-government organizations and companies on a multinational. One issue that has become a global phenomenal in international relations is the Arab Spring. Arab Spring, known as the Arab Spring is the wave of demonstrations and protests revolution is happening in the Arab world. Since December 18, 2010, to oppose the authoritarian regimes in the MENA region, namely Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Yemen that lasted from 2010 until early 2012.

Methods to strengthen information obtained in support of this study is a qualitative descriptive way that is composed of several literature and informants indirectly so as to form a framework of analysis with factual evidence. Data were collected entirely by literature on framing analysis and reporting Arab Spring and is obtained in Arab online media sites

One issue that is influenced by the Findings of Media Framing is the "Arab Spring" which is where the media's role is important in changing the situation in the middle east region. Al Jazeera is one of the media play an active role in the problems that exist in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). Al Jazeera is one of the international media based in Doha, Qatar. The center is also focused to know the Role of Media Framing contained in the news becomes one of the strategic studies prepared by the events of a conflict and issues in the sphere of international relations in which Media Framing also merupkan the effect of the case of the analysis of authors.

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